The high-end accessories domain for men is on the rise. And it’s about time. Not long ago, male celebrities seemed to flood red carpet events fully decked with glittery precious gems. Tabloids were quick to depict them as overly extravagant or even “eccentric”. Well, things have certainly changed in the last few years.
There’s no denying that the jewellery kingdom is vastly female predominant. Although, from a historical point of view, it certainly hasn’t always been the case.
Men have always been partial to finery displays. As a visit to any museum will demonstrate, since ancient times, male power figures were only too keen on signalling their positions via adornments made out of precious metals and gemstones.
So this latest escalation in male embellishments merely indicates a return to norm.

Chinese emperors, French kings, Celtic thanes and Egyptian pharaohs all resorted to jewels as evidence of their refinement and status.

If there is one refreshing evolution in the fashion world we could point out, it’s a defined shift from needing to meet “set in stone” social expectations to something much more sensible. The way we present ourselves is nothing but an opportunity to express our individualities, and naturally, this goes for men and women alike.

More than ever, a rush of well renowned jewellers seem to be heavily betting on the male focused market. At Calla Lily, for one, we are excited when given the opportunity to design bespoke pieces to this audience. Certainly, we’re no strangers to it, with wedding bands being a sort of “house specialty”.

But as the boundaries of men’s fashion continue to blur, jewellery has undergone a transformation of its own. It’s an exciting moment to further explore possibilities within this realm and breath new life into pieces imbued with meaning.

No longer viewed as “niche”, but simply as a gateway to self expression and much to our delight, we now have plenty of options outside of the “leather wrap bracelet” to offer! A multitude of materials may be added into your own perfect mix, from gold and platinum to gemstones of all sorts and even natural elements.

Selecting the components to your design is one of the most fun parts of the custom made creative process. You’ll be thoroughly guided through every phase of it, so don’t worry about it too much.

As a default, we’ll ask as many questions as needed in order to fully comprehend your hopes and be able to suggest just the right pathway, based on our interpretation of your personal style and preferences.

At the end of the day, you’ll have an entirely unique token with a deep meaning behind it. With a focus on elevating essentials, our finished pieces are meant to go beyond trends and with refined simplicity, become heirlooms to be worn and appreciated for years to come.