Throughout history, there are numerous reports of cultures following the custom of gifting precious gifts as a way to mark a couple’s milestones. One cannot be sure of when or where exactly this tradition stems from, being traced back to varying sources, from ancient Rome to medieval Germany. For the latter, it’s recorded that during the 18th century, a couple’s inner circle might give the wife a silver wreath to commemorate 25 years of marriage. And, another 25 years later, a gold one.

A century after, during the English Victorian Era, for instance, it was widely accepted that presents should gradually evolve in monetary value as more time passed. Basically, the longer two people have been married for, the greater the worth of the offering.

Whilst nowadays the notion of linking a heartfelt gift to money may come across as insensitive, back then, it was simply deemed an unambiguous way to reverence the success of a union. That whole concept makes a lot more sense if you understand the underlying shifts taking place during this time. You see, that was precisely when “love matches” were finally triumphing. When this very idea was firstly introduced. “Whatever shall we do to sustain a marriage if love is the main reason?” they thought. And so, there began the spreading of the importance of building and strengthening commitment bonds, and a “pretty reward” never hurts as further enhancement, right?

As a result of the whole movement, many lists started showing up in dictionaries, declaring just what was to be the expected gift for celebrating wedding anniversaries. And to this date, such lists proliferate, albeit with slight regional differences, as well as, modern variants. However it may be, a piece of jewellery is a purely delightful way of celebrating your life together and the perfect opportunity to introduce a new gemstone. Discover below what you could be gifting your beloved from the 1st to the 10th year, according to some established lists, although we do feel that all couples are unique and it isn’t necessary to stick to it!
1st Anniversary – Mother-of-Pearl
Ever a classic choice for good reason, this dreamy 100% organic material is consistently favoured in many of our own pieces for its versatility and indisputable beauty. Their rainbow-like shine & gentle milky lustre, make them a perfect way to commemorate your first year together.
2nd Anniversary – Garnet
Charged with meaning and steeped in significance, garnets are the selected gift for the second year of married life. This means you’ll have plenty of choice, as they are encountered in an impressive range of colours. Rhodolite garnets are intense pink with purple undertones, while the striking Malaia garnet drifts from pink to reddish hues. Mali garnets range from lemon yellow to mint green. And the very rare Demantoid garnet shine bright green! Take your pick.

3rd Anniversary – Moonstone
The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that moonstones were created from bits of the actual moon. They saw it as having revitalising and deeply transformative healing properties. So if their unique sparkly beauty alone is not reason enough, they also boast an undeniable magical quality about them.

4th Anniversary – Blue Topaz
Believed to strengthen faith and trust, they would make ideal presents for any anniversary for that matter. Readily found in orange, pink, violet and yellow, but their blue variety is possibly the most celebrated. Their stunning glacial-like colour and incredibly durable nature combined make them highly coveted indeed!

5th Anniversary – Sapphire
Symbols of loyalty, nobility, sincerity and integrity, the unparalleled sapphires are owners of regal status. They have been used to protect against negative energies, calm the mind, strengthen intuition, and invite spiritual clarity. Some say they attract loyalty and honesty: two essential virtues for a successful union.

6th Anniversary – Amethyst
Few gems are so intrinsically linked to one’s energy and frequencies as amethysts. They are thought to enhance creativity, passion and harmony, and their energy is believed to aid in promoting good stability. Their graceful elegance is appreciated by all generations alike.

7th Anniversary – Onyx
Onyx is a wonderful mineral that is so versatile it can be carved into all shapes and sizes to create unique bespoke jewellery. It’s stark black colour is ideal to set against diamonds for contrast like in the earrings below. Onyx layers very well against different coloured gemstones too, making it one of our favourite minerals to use in our designs.

8th Anniversary – Tourmaline
Tourmalines are one of nature’s kaleidoscopic gemstones. They can be found in almost every colour tone known to man. Greens, reds, pinks, blues and purples, and even multi-coloured! So truly, there is an infinite array of possibilities! Undeniably one of our favourites in coloured gemstones, they have become one of the most sought after gems in the industry.

9th Anniversary – Lapis Lazuli
These rare gems were highly regarded by ancient civilisations. In fact, lapis lazuli is an aggregate of several minerals. Renowned for their signature indigo blue hue, they are normally fashioned in a manner that best showcases their rich colour.

10th Anniversary – Diamonds
You may find some conflicting information on this one (that is actually to be expected for every year as there is more than one source to consult) but most lists convey that the gem for the 10th year is a diamond. We’ll invite you to explore the classic white ones and maybe consider going for fancy colourful diamonds for an even more special and rare gemstone!

Whether it’s your first, tenth or twentieth wedding anniversary, the takeaway is that every year of marriage is deserving of celebration! So, if you choose to accept the suggestions above or go for a completely different gemstone, the choice is yours to make. It’s the thought behind the present that certainly matters the most. Bespoke jewellery designs make very meaningful and personal gifts because of the co-creation process of choosing the gemstones and the thought behind the design. It becomes a very special piece carrying deeper meanings for a lifetime and to future generations.